Bobby Davis Bail Bonds - Mansfield
E Bail Bond - Tarrant County
Tarrant County's Leading Online Bail Bond Service. Bobby Davis Bail Bonds provides bail bond services to anyone seeking a bail bond including other bail agents and Attorneys. We have the resources you need to secure the release of a defendant from any jail in any city throughout Tarrant County, Texas. Obtain a bail bond, learn how bail works, find court and jail information! Available 24x7, standing ready to answer your questions...we are "At Your Service!"
Our goal is to acquaint you with the process of the bail system and getting someone out of jail. For immediate help, you may call one of our bonding agents if you need a bail bond - TODAY.
We do warrant checks to help you determine if there is an outstanding misdemeanor of felony warrant for your arrest. If the sheriff has a warrant we will arrange a walk-thru bond. As soon as the bond is posted the warrant will be lifted.
Walk thru bonds, Warrant lifted today, Back to work today
* Domestic Violence Specialist
* Union Member Rates Available*
* Special Rates Available for Homeowners*
* Collateral Always Negotiable
* No Bond Too Large or Too Small
* All Jails, All Courts
* 24 Hr / 7 Days a Week Service
* Warrants, Misdemeanors, Felonies
* Complete Confidentiality
* Free Bail Advice
* Habla Español
* In Our Office or We Come to You
Notary Services
ID Cards
Bobby Davis Bail Bonds
1701 Commerce Dr
Mansfield TX 76063-5600
Tel: 817 473-2226
Fax: 817 453-3555
We cover all of Tarrant County with offices in Fort Worth and Mansfield, Texas.
